Sunday, April 08, 2007

Fun day

I had a fun day today!!!
I made a standard-full-size title banner and a new button. They are simple, but I spent hours to make them, and it always feels great to complete something!
Oh, and please feel free to steal my new button. ;)


We went to a Japanese/Chinese buffet restaurant and enjoyed their food very much. :) I have been on a diet, but tonight I didn't stop myself. :D I ate bunch of sushi, sashimi, sesami chicken, little cakes, etc. etc... I already feel like I have gained back the lost lbs, but it's okay. Tomorrow morning, I'll start exercising & walking again, and I'll watch what I eat. ;)

After the great dinner, we went to a coffee shop where our friend's birthday party was held and met other friends there as well. :) The BD boy had his band there, and we listened to some of their songs. My 6-year-old son loved their songs! :)
I was going to get a piece of the BD cake, but that's what I was thinking only before the dinner, and I had absolutely no space in my stomach for even just a piece of cake or a cup of coffee after making all the food on my dinner plates disappear! :D

We didn't stay at the party long because we had an important thing left to do... COLORING EGGS! :) So we came home and enjoyed doing that. :)

H A P P Y   E A S T E R !!!


  1. That is a neat and cute banner (and button) Chie! So good to hear you had a fun and memorable day with your family :)

  2. Mimi -
    Thanks! Hope your weekend is a good one too, Mimi. :) Can't wait to see your next crochet project. ;)


Thank you so much for your comment! :) *hugs*

~ Chie